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National Center on Elder Abuse

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Get Involved


How Can I Help Protect Older Adults from Mistreatment?


There are many ways to volunteer your time to promote elder justice and help keep older adults safe from abuse and neglect. Preventing elder abuse can come in the form of delivering meals to homebound older adults, visiting an isolated older adult, advocating for long-term care residents, and building awareness about elder abuse in your community. Think about your skills, areas of interest, and the type of time commitment that would work well for you.

Smiling older Asian man

Elder Justice Opportunities


World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

It is never too early to think about how you can get involved in World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Every year on June 15th, communities around the world come together to raise awareness of elder abuse and help promote a better understanding of this issue. Visit the WEAAD Microsite to learn how to get involved.

Illustration of a tree with icons of people on the branches

USC Judith D. Tamkin Symposium on Elder Abuse

The mission of the USC Judith D. Tamkin International Symposium on Elder Abuse is to create safe and healthy environments for all older adults, here and across the world, by bringing researchers, practitioners, advocates, thought leaders, lawmakers, and other stakeholders together to share findings, strategize solutions, and help shape and propel the field of elder justice. Visit the Tamkin Symposium website for more information.

Staying Safe with Faith Volunteer Program: Learn more about how your faith community

Last Modified: 02/28/2024